We have enjoyed the recent sunny weeks and begun to feel a little more warmth in the sun, venturing out for short walks and starting to think about the garden.
We have put in sweet pea seeds and eagerly wait for them to shoot. We have started to think about what other seeds we want to plant, it's a definite yes to tomatoes and cucumbers which were very successful last year. The peppers also did well, all using our green house to full effect.
Many residents and staff loved the beetroot and courgettes and we're thinking of also adding in onions this time around.
We played some different types of romantic music in the afternoons, and had our own version of Blind Date which was lots of fun.
Our church service this month was also based on love, talking about the origins of Valentine's Day.
We have been enjoying our usual mix of games and music and enjoying inventing new ones.
The residents made some simple leeks to use as brooches and wear on St David's day, basically consisting of a sheet of kitchen paper and wool or string as roots. We all think they look really effective.
The small arrangement with handmade daffodils finished off the St. David's Day theme.
The Stockland Flower and Craft Show
31st August 2024
Busy making crafts to exhibit .....
Feeling Like Summer
31st July 2024
Summer is here .......
Keeping Busy
30th June 2024
On fine days we have enjoyed some nice walks ....
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