Statement of Purpose

This document has been written in accordance with the Health & Social Care Act 2010 and Care Act 2014 and the Regulations made under those Acts.  Each service user will be able, at all reasonable times, to inspect a copy of this Statement.

This Statement will be kept under review and, where appropriate, it will be revised.  Restcare will notify all service users of any revisions and also the Area Office of the Care Quality Commission.

Aims and Objectives

With over 40 years experience, the management of Restcare prides itself on offering a highly professional care service for the elderly, with a personal touch.  Restcare is pleased to accept residents for long term, short term for convalescence and holiday stays.

When people have worked hard throughout their lives and have been committed to helping others, they deserve extra cherishing. They need a home where individuality is emphasised, with staff that have time to give attention to small detail and where they have the choice of enjoying the company of like-minded fellow residents.  This Home recognises those needs fully and wishes to emphasise the following points:

PRIVACY The right of a resident to be left alone and undisturbed whenever s/he wishes.
DIGNITY & RESPECT: The understanding of a resident’s needs and treating a resident with respect.      
INDEPENDENCE: Allowing a resident to take calculated risks, to make his/her own decisions and think and act for him/herself.
CHOICE: Giving a resident the opportunity to select for him/herself from a range of alternative options which may be appropriate to him/her.
RIGHTS: Keeping all basic human rights available to all residents.
FULFILMENT: Enabling the resident to realise his/her own aims and helping him/her to achieve these goals in all aspects of daily living.

Philosophy of Care

Restcare aims to provide its residents with a secure, relaxed, and homely environment in which their care, well-being and comfort are of prime importance.

Carers will use their best endeavours to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality and privacy of all residents within a warm, safe and caring atmosphere, and will be sensitive to the residents’ changing needs. Such needs may be medical/therapeutic (for physical and mental welfare), cultural, psychological, spiritual, emotional and social. Residents are encouraged to participate in the development of their individualised Care Plans, in which the involvement of family and friends is appropriate and valued greatly.

Programmes of activities are designed to encourage mental alertness, self- esteem, and social interaction with other residents and with recognition of the following core values of care which are fundamental to the philosophy of this Home:


All Care Staff within Restcare will be qualified appropriately to deliver the highest standards of care. A continuous staff training programme is implemented to ensure that these high standards are maintained in line with the latest developments in Care Practices as may be laid down in appropriate legislation, Regulations and by the Care Quality Commission.

Director – Name, Experience, Address and Communication Information

Name: Samantha O’Brien – Director     
Experience: Qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1987.  Over the next 2 years worked initially in acute Medicine and then Intensive Care.  Samantha Managed a Nursing Agency for 3 years providing Nursing Care to a range of clients including those in their own homes, Nursing and Residential Homes, Hospitals, Schools and Industry.  In 1991 commenced a Batchelor of Science Degree in Psychology at the University of East London obtaining a 2:1 in 1994.  She completed a counselling course in 1994.  1991-1994 also worked as a Senior Staff Nurse in a Nursing Home covering day and night duties with management responsibilities associated with this type of post.  1994-1995 worked as a staff nurse in an Intensive Care Unit before purchasing The Old Vicarage in 1995.
Registered Manager of The Old Vicarage from 1995-1997.  During this period completed various related courses in Care.  Main responsibilities include the general overseeing of The Old Vicarage, support of Management and Staff Training and Development.
Qualifications:  BSc (Hons), General Nurse, A1 NVQ Assessor Award, Moving and Handling Trainer and Assessor Award, NVQ 4 Registered Manager Award.
Telephone: 01278 653056

Care Home Manager:  Susan Thomas
Experience:  46 years in care with the last 37 years at The Old Vicarage.  Assistant Manager from 1995-1997.  Sue has been the Registered Manager since 1999.  Various care related courses attended and update training maintained regularly.
Qualifications:  A1 NVQ Assessor Award, Moving and Handling Trainer and Assessor Award, NVQ 2 Care, NVQ 4 Registered Manager Award.
Telephone: 01278 653056

Home Organisational Structure

Details of Staff Numbers and Staff Training

The Old Vicarage employs 19 Care Staff, 4 Kitchen Staff and 3 Domestics.  Restcare has 2 Office support staff and 1 maintenance manager. The age range of the staff is from 16 to 80.  Restcare staff are selected for their qualities of care, reliability, integrity, skill, friendliness and professionalism. They are carefully screened (especially through the Disclosure & Barring Service) and references are always checked thoroughly. During induction, all staff are trained in-house by experienced qualified senior staff in the following critical subjects:

  • Care code of conduct
  • Person centred care
  • Dignity and respect and the rights of residents
  • Confidentiality
  • Health and safety
  • Food hygiene and safety
  • Care planning and personal care tasks
  • Roles and responsibilities

Restcare also holds regular workshops and training courses such as Food Hygiene, First Aid, Moving and Handling, The Ageing Process, Drugs Medication and Management, Infection Control, Signs and Symptoms, Fire Safety and Management, Diabetic Management, Care Planning, Safeguarding, Communication/Observation Skills, Palliative Care and Infection Control.  External Training is also provided for Exercise for the Elderly, Bereavement Awareness, End of Life Care, Dementia Awareness and Management, Mental Health Awareness, Moving and Handling Assessors update training, Fire trainer update training, Infection Control update training.  All training is based on meeting the needs of our Residents and this list is not exhaustive.

Restcare encourages all Care Assistants to actively achieve the Diploma in Health & Social Care.  Senior staff are encouraged to work towards Level 3.  With Assessors on site Restcare is able to monitor the training and development of staff on a daily basis as part of its routine. We have strong training links with Bridgwater College and Somerset College in Taunton who both manage the Diploma in Health & Social Care.

Accommodation at The Old Vicarage

The Old Vicarage has 19 bedrooms many with en-suite facilities.  There are also 6 single storey cottages in the grounds providing extensive accommodation and beautiful views of the grounds.

Downstairs 6
Singles 2
Single En-Suite 7
Two Double En-Suite 1
Upstairs 8
Singles 1
Double En-Suite 1

Social rooms

There are 3 lounges and 1 separate dining room. Residents are encouraged to use these shared rooms; however, some residents may choose to stay in their own rooms.


Residents interested in living at The Old Vicarage are encouraged to visit and sample the atmosphere and level of service. Often, day-care is arranged on a regular weekly basis while waiting for a vacancy. This gives the resident time to get to know the staff and adjust to new people and surroundings. A month’s trial period is always given before residency becomes permanent.  This is provided for in the Standard Resident’s Contract.

Criteria for Admission

Restcare operates an equal opportunities policy in all its operations and does not discriminate against any residents or potential residents on the grounds of sex, race, religion, disability, and ethnicity or in any other way at all.  However, Restcare does not accept any resident unless and until his/her needs have been assessed by a suitably qualified or suitably trained person and a copy of the assessment has been received by the Registered Provider or Registered Manager of Restcare.  Also, before admission, the potential resident, or his/her representative, will consult with the Registered Provider or Registered Manager regarding the consultation, following which it will be confirmed in writing to the potential resident that, having regard to the assessment, it is considered that Restcare will be suitable to meet the potential resident’s needs regarding health and welfare.

Nevertheless, occasions do arise where emergency admissions are required and when it may not be possible to comply with the above criteria either wholly or partly.  Restcare will use its best endeavours to complete all aspects of the above criteria within 24 hours of any emergency admission.

Financial Arrangements and Fees

Restcare is committed to providing value for money within a setting of comprehensive and caring service:

The fees charged are dependent on:
the type of facility required, and
the type of care package and needs of the individual resident

Depending on the personal financial situation, a resident can pay the fees either privately or receive benefits arranged by Social Services.  It is important to mention however that a resident who is ineligible for financial support from benefits from Social Services may find that, after a while, their financial circumstances have been reduced to a point where funding from Social Services may be possible.  Although Restcare will do its best to monitor individual resident’s circumstances, Restcare cannot accept any responsibility at all for non-recognition of any resident’s financial circumstances changing in this respect.

The current rules can be complicated and specialist advice can be arranged where appropriate.

Fees – What is included

Fully trained staff in 24 hour attendance
Good Home Cooking
Provision for Special Diets
Laundry Service
GP visits as required
Call System enabling assistance to be rendered at any time
Extensive social/leisure programme
Television provision and licence fee
Manicure and Hand Massage

Fees – What is not included

Dry cleaning
Weekly visits from the hairdresser to Restcare
Monthly visits for a private chiropodist to Restcare
Private phone installation and calls
Payment for newspapers/magazines, although delivery can be arranged

Privacy and Dignity

Staff are trained to endeavour to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality and privacy, of all residents within a warm and caring atmosphere and will be sensitive to any resident’s changing needs.

Smoking and Alcohol

Restcare operates a no smoking policy. With regard to alcohol, residents will normally make their own arrangements, although sherry and wine is provided under supervision.

Fire Safety

Restcare has an up to date Fire Alarm System with & Fire Exit Notices’ and ‘Fire Emergency Instruction Notices’ displayed at strategic points throughout, as advised by the local Fire Officer.
Staff are instructed during induction training with regard to the Fire Prevention/Drills Policy; this includes use of Restcare’s fire appliances, evacuation, muster points, raising the alarm, etc.  Residents are informed of the emergency procedures during admission.  Annual fire training is maintained for staff as per the legal guidelines.  Residents are updated during resident meetings.
A fire exercise is carried out weekly to test the system with records of testing maintained.
All fire extinguishers and emergency lighting are monitored weekly with records maintained.
All fire fighting equipment and alarm system is checked 6 monthly by a qualified fire extinguisher maintenance engineer.  Records are kept of all such testing.
Where possible, furniture, fixtures and fittings are made of fire-resistant and/or fire-retardant fabrics and materials.

Religion (Worship/Attendance at Religious Services)

Residents may attend religious services, either within or outside Restcare as they desire. If services are outside Restcare, the resident, if necessary and where possible, should arrange for transport and to be accompanied by friends or relatives. In the event of this not being possible, Care Staff may accompany residents on specific occasions, if staffing levels permit.

Residents have the right to meet clergy of their chosen denomination at any time. If required, a private room will be made available for such meetings.

For those residents who do not wish to join in with the regular church service an alternative room is available.

Contact With Family and Friends

The Resident’s family, relatives and friends are encouraged to visit regularly and also to maintain contact by letter, telephone, Skype or Facetime when visiting is not possible. In these cases, staff will offer to assist the resident to respond where help may be needed.

Visitors will be welcomed at all reasonable times and are asked to contact us in advance to schedule in their visit.

The resident has the right to refuse to see any visitor and this right will be respected and upheld by the Person-In-Charge, who will inform the visitor/s of the resident’s wishes, if necessary.

Care Plan Review

Once developed, the Care Plan will be reviewed regularly to ensure that the resident’s needs are being met appropriately. Any changes to the Care Plan will result in an immediate review of by the named Carer, Manager, Senior Carer and other members of care staff as necessary, jointly with the resident and, where appropriate, a member of the resident’s family.

Family and relatives will be encouraged to participate in the resident’s daily routine, as far as is practicable, and are invited to formal reviews. Residents and their relatives are always welcome to chat with a member of the Care Staff if they have any concerns at any time.

The Care Plan is reviewed at three levels:

  • Daily on a shift-to-shift basis. At staff shift changeover, the resident’s daily care notes are handed over to the next shift and the resident’s responses and activity patterns discussed as needed. Changes to the Care Plan may be proposed at this point.
  • At the end of the four week settling-in period.
  • After that, a formal review is held with Care Staff on a monthly basis.

All amendments to the Care Plan will require the authorisation of Restcare Manager, Assistant Manager or Senior Carer; certain amendments may require the authorisation of the resident’s GP. All amendments to the Care Plan are recorded in full with the resident.

The resident, or resident’s representative (with the resident’s permission), will have unrestricted access to the Care Plan at all times.

End of Life Care

We provide care to the end of life with strong support from the palliative care team including G.Ps, district nurses and the palliative care nurses ensuring that we provide the best possible care, support and outcomes at the end of life. 


If a resident, relative or visitor, feels that there is cause for complaint, this should be discussed with the person in charge. If the complainant remains dissatisfied, Restcare’s Complaints Procedure will be implemented, a copy of this is displayed on the wall in the reception hall.


In the difficult event of bereavement, the resident’s family can expect every possible support from staff.  Whereas funeral arrangements are usually made by the next of kin, Restcare’s staff can be relied upon to assist and explain what is required.  Where there is no next of kin, the staff will attend to the necessary arrangements.

Therapeutic Activities

Restcare’s policy on ‘Therapeutic Activities’ takes into account the resident’s interests, skills, experiences, personalities and medical condition. Restcare offers a wide range of activities designed to encourage the resident to keep mobile and, most importantly, take an interest in life.

Staff encourage and will assist residents to pursue hobbies and interests.

Residents can play the following games using the equipment that is designed for fading sight:

Ball games – feet or hand.
Large skittle

Activities with the staff (On a Daily Basis)

Restcare’s policy on ‘Therapeutic Activities’ takes into account the resident’s interests, skills, experiences, personalities and medical condition. Restcare offers a wide range of activities designed to encourage the resident to keep mobile and, most importantly, take an interest in life.

Staff encourage and will assist residents to pursue hobbies and interests such as:

Chatting to individual residents.
Going for walks.
Manicures and hand massage
Playing games.
Armchair exercises/flexercise
Reading letters/magazines/newspapers.
Helping to choose Library books.
Music and sing-along.
Maintain life-long hobbies, crossword puzzles etc.
Poetry reading
Gardening (indoor and outdoor)


All outings are geared to a resident’s needs and capabilities.  Due to this, there may be times when a limited number of residents can go on any one outing.  Outings are arranged on a regular basis.

Examples of outings are listed below:

A drive over The Quantock Hills
Visit to a Garden Centre
Visit to a pantomime or play
Visit to the seaside
Visit to scenic gardens incorporating a cream tea
Visit to an animal centre

Leaving or Temporarily Vacating

If a resident wishes to be discharged from Restcare, then one months notice must be given of this intention, or one month’s fees paid in lieu of notice. These conditions are waived during the 4 week trial period. If a resident moves out of Restcare temporarily - e.g. to receive hospital treatment - the bed is retained for as long as the normal fee is paid.

Monitoring and Quality

Within Restcare, there are various systems which ensure that close monitoring is maintained on all of Restcare’s services and procedures. Attention to the smallest detail is pivotal to everything.

An important part of Restcare’s quality programme is to involve the residents and their relatives; with comments on Restcare, the staff and services provided being sought regularly.  This may involve an internal audit, customer satisfaction survey and resident and relative meetings.  There is also a suggestion box for those who may wish to be more discreet about their views.


While it is acknowledged that many people have pets for company during their lifetime and that they may wish to bring one with them when they move, the Management has a responsibility to all the residents regarding Health and Safety and their choice to have pets within Restcare.  Pets may be permitted but each case will be treated on its merits with the absolute discretion of Management.


If a resident wants to self-medicate and is safe to do so, then all help and advice is given.  A locked cupboard in the resident’s room will be provided in this circumstance.  Otherwise, all drugs will be managed by the staff and dispensed and ordered under the instructions of the GP.  Arrangements will be made for any resident who requests to see their GP.


Restcare has a telephone which can be used by the residents for incoming calls.  It can also be used for outgoing calls at a nominal fee. Residents may have their own private line through British Telecom and will be responsible for connection and other charges incurred.


Menus will be varied and favourite dishes and special diets can be catered for.  Residents are encouraged to eat in the dining room but may eat in their own room if desired.

Tea, coffee and other hot drinks are served and available 24 hours a day.

Important addresses:

All residents and their representatives are notified of the following important addresses:

Local offices for the Care Quality Commission:
CQC South West
Newcastle upon Tyne   
Tel: 03000 616161
Fax: 03000 616171
E mail:

Local Health Authority:
Dorset and Somerset Health Authority
Charter House
Bartec 4
Watercombe Lane
Lynx West Trading Estate
BA20 2SU
Tel: 01935 384000
Fax: 01935 384079

County Council Social Services:
Somerset County Council
County Hall
Tel: 01823 355455
Fax: 01823 355156

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Care Quality Commission Logo

CQC regulates Restcare Services (SW) Limited to provide care at The Old Vicarage.

We checked this service was likely to be safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led during registration.


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The Old Vicarage is top 20 recommended. Care home awards